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Pre-Trip Travel Medicine and Support

Learn about this non-insurance service included in your plan designed to protect your health.

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For information relating to policies purchased prior to October 2 2024, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For plans purchased after October 2 2024, please see below. 

There are so many things to consider when planning your dream getaway. As you do your research to pick the perfect destination, keep in mind that some of the coolest travel hotspots can come with certain health risks. Depending on where you’re traveling, you’ll want to plan ahead for ways to stay healthy when traveling.   

If you’re going on a safari in Mozambique, you may want to consider taking anti-malarial medication, in case you get mosquito bites. If you’re hiking to Machu Picchu, you may start feeling the effects of being at a higher altitude as soon as you arrive in Cusco. The severity of altitude sickness can range from mild to life threatening, but there are certain medications that can help prevent it.    

It’s also important to make sure your medical records always go with you. If you have an emergency while traveling, you’ll want your medical providers to know your health history and any medications you are taking. 

Your plan from World Nomads includes several non-insurance services designed to address both these issues. Before you leave, you’ll want to take advantage of the pre-trip health support. 

How can I get travel medications before leaving on my trip? 

It’s a lot of fun to be thinking about the fun things you’ll be doing on your trip, like  

trekking in Nepal or exploring the Amazon in Brazil. While you’re searching for the best hiking boots and binoculars, we encourage you to also put thought into the steps you can take ahead of time to protect your health. Higher altitudes, upset stomachs and bug bites can quickly stop your fun once you’re there, so taking a little bit of time now could help prevent unplanned sickness.  

The first thing you’ll want to do is research any health risks associated with your destination – this is especially true if you’re traveling outside of the US. With your World Nomads plan, you have access to a helpful non-insurance service* that can assist with that. You’ll be able to book an online appointment with Runway Health and they will give you recommendations based on CDC guidance. Their team of US-licensed physicians will prescribe you medications and vaccinations that you may need for the destinations where you will be traveling. The medications will be delivered to your door, and you can take your vaccination prescription to your local pharmacy. They can also prescribe you medicines for common travel ailments, like pills for motion sickness, traveler’s diarrhea, and even urinary tract infections. It’s best to be prepared. Please note though that Runway Health cannot prescribe you medicines to be filled overseas. You need to do this before you leave. 

If there are any vaccines or medications that you need, you’ll want to start this process at least a month before your trip to make sure you have what you need. For example, if you’re traveling somewhere that’s having a Yellow Fever outbreak, you’ll need to make sure you’re up to date on that vaccine. If there’s specific medications that you’ll need to prevent certain things like altitude sickness, you’ll also want to go ahead and get those prescriptions filled before you leave.  

Don’t forget about the medications you routinely take on an ongoing basis too. You’ll also want to make sure you have an ample supply of those to last through your trip. Don’t wait until the last minute to get your prescriptions filled - just in case there are any delays at your pharmacy.  

The next thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have an electronic record of your health records. What happens if you’re tasting your way through Asia and end up with Bali Belly? If you visit a doctor while traveling, they may prescribe an antibiotic. However, it’s important for them to know if you have any allergies before they decide what to give you. We can’t stress enough the importance of having your medical records easily accessible when traveling.  

How can I take my medical records with me on my overseas trip? 

As nomads ourselves, we know there’s steps that need to be taken before traveling to set ourselves up for an awesome trip. Having your medical records accessible electronically could literally be a lifesaver. It’s a small time commitment that could pay big dividends later. 

Footprint ID ® is a secure solution that allows you to have immediate access to your medical records 24/7, anywhere in the world. If you’re sick or injured while traveling, your medical and health information will be easily available to the medical team that’s caring for you. This non-insurance service is included in all World Nomad plans, but you’ll need to register for Footprint ID ® once you’ve made your travel insurance purchase. 

How does travel insurance help me during medical emergencies on my trip? 

Even if you plan ahead and get needed vaccinations and medications, sometimes unexpected medical situations can still happen. If you fall and break a leg while you’re skiing in Italy’s Dolomites, you’re going to need treatment.  

If you get hurt, your US health insurance may not always cover you when you’re traveling to overseas destinations. However, emergency medical expense coverage is included in your World Nomads travel insurance plan and may reimburse you for things like x-rays, medication, a hospital stay, or other emergency medical needs that you may have. It may even assist with emergency dental expenses.

If you get hurt hiking in a remote jungle in Thailand, you may find limited medical services available. Your travel insurance from World Nomads may include coverage for medical evacuation and the 24/7 emergency assistance team may be able to help refer you to a place that offers the level of care that you need.  

If your attending physician determines that it’s best for you to go back to the US to get medical care, the repatriation coverage that is included in your travel insurance plan may cover the costs to get you there, provided this is pre-approved through the 24/7 Emergency Assistance team.  

When you get a quote, you can compare the different options for World Nomads plans. We encourage you to review each plan carefully so you can choose the best travel plan for your needs.  

What medical issues aren’t covered by travel insurance? 

While your travel insurance plan could cover many medical issues you may experience while traveling, there’s some things that won’t be covered. For example, if you overindulge in sake and take a tumble while you’re hanging out in Hiroshima, you won’t be covered. 

A few other things you wouldn’t be covered for include:  

  • Traveling against your doctor’s advice. If your doctor says you’re too sick to travel, but you decide to hop on the plane and go anyway, you won’t be covered.  
  • Elective medical procedures. If you’re planning on adding lipo, botox, or a hair transplant to your travel itinerary, that’s not going to be covered. Travel insurance is meant for medical emergencies - not medical tourism.    
  • Participation in activities not listed as covered in your travel insurance plan. World Nomads covers over 250 activities for US residents. Each plan is different though, so make sure your plan covers the activities you’ll be participating in. If you have any questions, contact us, and we can help explain what each plan covers.  Illegal activities. This one is probably a no-brainer, but if you get hurt while you’re doing something illegal, you won’t be covered. If that trail in the restricted area looks too enticing to pass up and you decide to trespass, you won’t be covered if you fall and twist your ankle.  
  • Any pre-existing medical conditions - unless you have a pre-existing exclusion waiver. The pre-existing medical conditions waiver is only available with the Epic and Explorer plans. In addition, you must purchase your travel insurance within the time sensitive period and are medically able to travel at time of purchase.  If you don’t purchase your insurance within 7 days of making your first deposit or payment toward your trip, you won’t be eligible for the waiver.  

Tips for packing medicine on my trip: 

  • Bring any medications onboard with you. Instead of packing any necessary medications in your checked bag, throw those in your carry on and take them with you. Your plan may offer coverage for lost or delayed bags, but there’s no guarantee when or if you’ll be reunited with your checked bag.
  • Pack extra medication. Make sure you bring enough medication for your trip and pack enough to cover at least a few extra days. Trip delays can happen and if you’re away from home longer than expected, you’ll want to make sure you have enough medication.
  • If you’re traveling outside of the US, make sure your medications are permitted in the countries you’re visiting. Don’t just assume that because a medication is legal here in the US, that it’s legal everywhere else. This can apply to CBD products, medical marijuana, or other common prescription medications. You don’t want to get arrested in a foreign country just because you didn’t know the rules. Before you depart, contact the US Embassy of the country you’re visiting and make sure your medications are allowed. You may need an import license or permit if you’re traveling with certain medications. 
  • Talk to your US doctor about alternative medications if needed. If you find out that your usual medication is illegal in countries you’re traveling to, talk to your local doctor about the situation. He may be able to prescribe another alternative medication that you’re able to travel with.  
  • Only travel home with medication that was prescribed to you by a licensed physician in the US. If you’re returning to the US after a trip, you’ll need to comply with the laws of the FDA and DEA. US Customs and Border Protection say that in most cases, it’s illegal for a US citizen to import drugs that were purchased outside of the country. Even if there’s a foreign-made version of a drug that is legal in the US, it may not have been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Don’t try bringing any foreign medications into the US, as it could turn into a legal issue.  

*All information we provided here is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the plans described. Please carefully read your state specific plan documents for a full description of coverage. Travel insurance is included as part of your travel protection plan which contains both insurance benefits and non-insurance assistance services. Material included on this page does not represent, nor is it specific to, United States Fire Insurance Company or travel insurance benefits provided on United States Fire Insurance Company’s travel protection plans. 

Baggage Delay in a Delhi Winter.

I arrived in Delhi from Rome. Baggage claim help desk informed me that my bag had been delayed in transit. I was without my bag for almost a week before it was finally delivered to me. It was cold in Delhi (being winter, December) and my warm jacket was in my bag, requiring that I purchase a jacket and other items of warm clothing that I had not taken in my carry-on.
Claim paid: USD $51.74
S.N. U.S Nomad in India.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Protection

Protect your hard earned vacation from unexpected cancellation.

  • Standard Plan: $2,500
  • Explorer Plan: $10,000
  • Epic Plan: $15,000
  • Annual Plan: $5,000
Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalized?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Insurance

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

  • Standard Plan: $125,500
  • Explorer Plan: $150,000
  • Epic Plan: $250,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Evacuation

We'll provide assistance to get you to the hospital or home quickly.

  • Standard Plan: $400,000
  • Explorer Plan: $500,000
  • Epic Plan: $700,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Evacuation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medevac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Covers the loss, theft or damage of your bags, tech and gear.

  • Standard Plan: $1,000
  • Explorer Plan: $2,000
  • Epic Plan: $3,000
  • Annual Plan: $2,000
Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

The amounts listed represent the maximum benefit amount.

Protect your health

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance Help Line
  • Emergency Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Evacuations
  • Bedside Companion Travel
  • Emergency Medications

Protect Your Trip

  • Trip Cancellation
  • Optional Cancel for Any Reason (Explorer or Epic)
  • Trip Delay & Trip Interruption
  • Missed Connection (Explorer or Epic)
  • Rental Car Damage (Explorer, Epic or Annual)

Protect Your Stuff

  • Baggage Delay
  • Passport and Visa Loss
  • Lost or Stolen Bags
  • Personal Tech, Equipment & Gear
  • Baggage Return After Evacuation

Non-Insurance Services

  • Medical & Non-Medical 24/7 Emergency Assistance Line
  • Translators Available
  • Runway Health
  • FootprintID
  • Blue Ribbon Bags
This is a general summary for US residents only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Benefits limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Check the plan documents for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical or dental assistance or advice, emergency evacuation or travel assistance, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Wherever you are, we’re here 24/7 to help you in any emergency.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact Generali Global Assistance:
Telephone: +1 954-334-8143 (Collect outside the US)
+1 877-289-0968 (Toll-free in the US and Canada

Contact the team