If your checked-in bags are delayed by 24 hours or more from your scheduled arrival time, you might need to buy some clothing, toiletries or medications to get you by until they arrive. Provided these items are essential, you can claim reasonable expenses for such items, up to the policy limits.
Expenses for necessary and essential items like clothing, toiletries and medications.
Please note: All expenses must be reasonable and necessary supported by receipts dated prior to the delivery of your delayed baggage and after 24 hours from your arrival.
Total benefit limits will vary depending on what plan you buy (the Standard Plan or Explorer Plan).
Plan | Single/Couple/Family |
Standard | USD$150 per 24 hours for each person insured up to 3 days USD$450 total claim per person insured |
Explorer | USD$150 per 24 hours for each person insured up to 5 days USD$750 total claim per person insured |
Any baggage claim submitted will have the policy excess applied per person, per claimable event.
This is only a summary of cover and does not include the full terms and conditions, exclusions and limitations of the policy. You should read your policy wording in full so you understand what is and isn’t covered. That way there won’t be any surprises if you need to use it.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
For policies purchase on or after 2 December 2018:
For policies purchased before 2 December 2018:
Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.