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Travel Inconvenience Benefits

Learn how travel insurance may help US residents with unexpected travel inconveniences.

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For information relating to policies purchased prior to October 2 2024, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For plans purchased after October 2 2024, please see below. 

As nomads ourselves, we love the fun and spontaneous moments that come along with travel. In Argentina, you may be excited to discover the flower shop in Buenos Aires that’s really a secret speakeasy. You could also get lucky enough to see the northern lights dancing across the sky in Norway. Some of those moments that we don’t plan for often end up being the most memorable parts of our trips. 

Sometimes the unplanned moments aren’t as great though. Those are often the ones you’ll try not to remember. If you’re going skiing in Japan and then arrive at the resort to see it’s closed due to a lack of snow, you’re going to be pretty bummed.  

That closure is definitely going to be an inconvenience to you - especially since you planned your whole trip around gliding down the slopes. Because of these things that can put a kink in your plans, you may want to consider getting a quote for travel insurance* that includes travel inconvenience benefits.  

What is the Travel Inconvenience Benefit? 

A travel inconvenience is an unforeseen event that happens while you’re on a trip and ruins your plans. For example, if you arrive at that ski resort in Japan and they have closed all or part of their facilities for at least 1 day because of bad weather or lack of snow, that could be considered a travel inconvenience.  

US residents have the potential of getting the travel inconvenience benefit included in the Explorer and Epic travel insurance plans. In order for the travel inconvenience benefits to take effect though, you’ll need to purchase your travel insurance as soon as you start booking your trip. There is a time-sensitive period related to this benefit, and you’ll want to make sure you purchase your travel insurance within 7 days of making the first deposit or payment on your trip. 

If you need to make a claim for that ski trip, you’ll have to show proof that you purchased your travel insurance plan within 7 days of the first trip expense you paid for. This could include things like your plane ticket, hotel accommodation, or even your lift tickets. If you waited over 7 days to buy travel insurance, you will not be covered for travel inconvenience benefits.  

With travel inconvenience benefits, you could be reimbursed up to $250 for each circumstance that is defined as a covered travel inconvenience in your plan documents. For the Explorer plan, the maximum amount is $500. For the Epic plan, there is a $750 maximum.   

We highly encourage you to keep all receipts for everything related to your trip - and make sure they show the date that you made your purchases.  You’ll need that documentation if you plan to make a claim.   

What is covered under Travel Inconvenience? 

There are several travel inconveniences that US residents may be covered for under their World Nomads travel insurance plan. In addition to the closed ski resort, some other examples of covered travel inconveniences include:   

  • Tarmac Delay Nobody plans to be sitting on the plane for hours while it’s sitting on the tarmac, but it’s happened to us. World Nomads considers this an inconvenience if your common carrier is sitting on the runway for 2 or more consecutive hours. Tip: When you land, ask the gate agent to send you proof of the delay. You’ll need documentation. 
  • Cruise Diversion or Disablement Maybe you’re supposed to be making a stop in Dominica during your Caribbean cruise, but an unplanned storm keeps you from making a stop there. That may be considered a travel inconvenience. Another travel inconvenience would be a lack of power, food, water, or restroom facilities on board for more than 24 hours.  
  • River Cruise Diversion Water levels can affect river cruises, and unfortunately can sometimes make it impossible for your ship to sail. If you made plans to enjoy a getaway on the Rhine River in Europe, and your ship can’t make it to all of the places on your scheduled itinerary, this may be considered a trip inconvenience.  
  • Rental Car Breakdown When you get a rental car, you expect it to get you from Point A to Point B with no issues. As with all machinery though, things can break. This could be considered a travel inconvenience if it causes you to arrive at least 12 hours late at your scheduled destination. 
  • Bed Rest If you get sick or hurt during your trip and you see a doctor, you may be put on bed rest.  Depending on your sickness, you may also be quarantined in your room for more than 24 hours. If this happens and your attending physician writes you a note, this may be a covered travel inconvenience.  
  • Missed Work If you’re on your way back to the US after your awesome vacation and your airline delays your return by 2 or more days, you may be forced to miss work. You may be able to claim missed work as a travel inconvenience. 

We encourage you to read through your plan wording for specific information related to each of the covered travel inconveniences. If there’s anything you don’t understand, contact us anytime, and we’ll be happy to help. 

What is not covered under Travel Inconvenience? 

The included travel inconvenience benefit covers a multitude of different reasons why you may be inconvenienced during your trip, but it doesn’t cover everything.  

While bed rest due to sickness could be covered, you won’t be covered if you willingly take a day to lay around in bed and take it easy because you’re tired. We get it - we’ve been the ones that booked back to back adventures and ended up exhausted. After hiking for days in Costa Rica, you may decide you’re too tired to get up the next morning and go rafting. If you’re just voluntarily taking a day in bed to chill out, you won’t be able to claim that bed rest as a travel inconvenience.  

Some reasons you wouldn’t be covered include: 

  • Trying to claim missed work as a travel inconvenience if you aren’t scheduled to work. You can only make a claim for missed work if you were actually scheduled to be at work and your employer writes you a note.
  • Waiting too long to purchase your travel insurance plan. It’s important to make sure you purchase travel insurance within 7 days of when you make your first deposit on your trip. The travel inconvenience benefit only applies to plans purchased within that time sensitive period.
  • Returning your rental car late because you got sidetracked. If you return your rental car late, you may be billed more money from the rental car company. If the car broke down and you can prove it, you may be covered by the travel inconvenience benefit. If you’re late because you got sidetracked while driving through Australia and decided to stop at one of the interesting pubs in the Outback, you won’t be covered.  
  • Double dipping. The travel inconvenience benefits in your plan aren’t meant to duplicate other benefits. For instance, if you cancel your trip, this benefit can’t be combined with trip cancellation benefits. You can’t make the same claim for both.

*All information we provided here is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the plans described. Please carefully read your state specific plan documents for a full description of coverage. Travel insurance is included as part of your travel protection plan which contains both insurance benefits and non-insurance assistance services. Material included on this page does not represent, nor is it specific to, United States Fire

Baggage Delay in a Delhi Winter.

I arrived in Delhi from Rome. Baggage claim help desk informed me that my bag had been delayed in transit. I was without my bag for almost a week before it was finally delivered to me. It was cold in Delhi (being winter, December) and my warm jacket was in my bag, requiring that I purchase a jacket and other items of warm clothing that I had not taken in my carry-on.
Claim paid: USD $51.74
S.N. U.S Nomad in India.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Protection

Protect your hard earned vacation from unexpected cancellation.

  • Standard Plan: $2,500
  • Explorer Plan: $10,000
  • Epic Plan: $15,000
  • Annual Plan: $5,000
Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalized?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Insurance

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

  • Standard Plan: $125,500
  • Explorer Plan: $150,000
  • Epic Plan: $250,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Evacuation

We'll provide assistance to get you to the hospital or home quickly.

  • Standard Plan: $400,000
  • Explorer Plan: $500,000
  • Epic Plan: $700,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Evacuation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medevac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Covers the loss, theft or damage of your bags, tech and gear.

  • Standard Plan: $1,000
  • Explorer Plan: $2,000
  • Epic Plan: $3,000
  • Annual Plan: $2,000
Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

The amounts listed represent the maximum benefit amount.

Protect your health

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance Help Line
  • Emergency Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Evacuations
  • Bedside Companion Travel
  • Emergency Medications

Protect Your Trip

  • Trip Cancellation
  • Optional Cancel for Any Reason (Explorer or Epic)
  • Trip Delay & Trip Interruption
  • Missed Connection (Explorer or Epic)
  • Rental Car Damage (Explorer, Epic or Annual)

Protect Your Stuff

  • Baggage Delay
  • Passport and Visa Loss
  • Lost or Stolen Bags
  • Personal Tech, Equipment & Gear
  • Baggage Return After Evacuation

Non-Insurance Services

  • Medical & Non-Medical 24/7 Emergency Assistance Line
  • Translators Available
  • Runway Health
  • FootprintID
  • Blue Ribbon Bags
This is a general summary for US residents only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Benefits limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Check the plan documents for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical or dental assistance or advice, emergency evacuation or travel assistance, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Wherever you are, we’re here 24/7 to help you in any emergency.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact Generali Global Assistance:
Telephone: +1 954-334-8143 (Collect outside the US)
+1 877-289-0968 (Toll-free in the US and Canada

Contact the team