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Travel Insurance That Includes Rental Car Damage Protection

Renting a car? Your travel insurance plan may help protect you.

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For information relating to policies purchased prior to October 2 2024, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For plans purchased after October 2 2024, please see below. 

There’s nothing quite like setting out on the open road with the windows down, the music blaring, and the wind blowing in your hair. Us nomads love our road trips, and we’ve discovered some of the best ones in our travels. The Blue Ridge Parkway, Route 66, and the Pacific Coast Highway are a few of our favorites here in the US.  

While we look forward to our time on the road, the process of renting a car can be daunting. We’ve been the ones standing at the rental car counter totally confused by the legalese and wondering if we need to buy car rental insurance. It’s not cheap - and sometimes the insurance offered by the rental company may cost almost as much as the car rental itself.

Even though dealing with car rental insurance can be confusing, it can be risky to not have it. If you’ve ever experienced the narrow roads in Italy and potholes in Costa Rica, you know what we mean. Nobody plans to get into a car accident while they’re traveling, but sometimes the unexpected happens. The fear gets even more real once you start to think about what it’s going to cost to fix or replace the rental car you just wrecked. 

If you’re renting a car while you’re traveling, you may want to consider getting a quote for a travel insurance plan that includes rental car damage insurance*.  

What does World Nomads rental car damage insurance cover? 

In all states except Washington, rental car damage insurance is included in the Explorer, Epic or Annual Plans (the Standard plan does not have the benefit included). If you’re on a trip and your rental car gets damaged due to a collision, theft, vandalism, natural disaster, or any cause beyond your control, rental car damage insurance may help you be reimbursed for the cost of repairing the car.

You’ll want to review each of the travel insurance plans offered by World Nomads to make sure you understand the rental car damage insurance coverage. You can compare the differences in each plan’s Maximum Benefit Amount for rental car damage insurance when you get a quote.

Is World Nomads rental car damage insurance sufficient for rental car companies around the world? 

All car rental companies are different, but any reputable car rental company should have their insurance requirements listed on their website. If they don’t, call them. We highly suggest that you read the wording in your World Nomads travel insurance plan to make sure you understand the rental car insurance that’s included. Make sure the plan limits meet the requirements of the car rental company you are renting from.  

It’s also a good idea to email your rental car insurance documents to the car rental company ahead of time so they have it on file. We know that once you’re at the counter picking up your car, you’re just ready to hit the road and get your trip started. By emailing those documents ahead of time, you may be able to help speed up the process. You’ll also want to take a printed copy of the documents with you just in case the person at the counter can’t access the ones you sent.

What doesn’t rental car damage insurance cover? 

While rental car damage insurance is a great benefit of your World Nomads travel insurance plan, it doesn’t cover everything. If you wreck your rental car after throwing back too many tequila shots in Cancun, you won’t be covered.  

Some other things that wouldn’t be covered include:  

  • Rental of certain types of vehicles.  If you decide to rent a Lamborghini or Porsche, you’re going to have to cover the cost of insuring those. Travel insurance doesn’t cover exotic vehicles, trucks, pickups, full-size vans mounted on truck chassis, heavy duty trucks, jeep-type vehicles, campers, trailers, motor bikes, motorcycles, off road vehicles, or recreational vehicles.  
  • Not reporting damage to your rental car. If something happens to your rental car, you need to report it to the rental car company and potentially the local authorities (if appropriate) when the incident happens. If you don’t report it, you may not be covered.  
  • Not following the rules of your rental car agreement. It’s up to you to read the rental car agreement and make sure you’re following their rules. For example, if the agreement says you’re the only driver, but you let your travel buddy drive, you won’t be covered by your rental car insurance.  
  • If my rental car is damaged, what should I do? 

First and foremost, make sure you and your passengers are ok if the damage is due to a collision.   

If you’re injured, reach out to the 24/7 emergency assistance team and they can help you get the medical care you need. Even if there’s no injuries, you’ll still want to reach out to them to let them know of the damage to your rental car.  

You’ll also want to notify the company that you rented the car from and the local authorities (if appropriate). The rental car company will advise you on what to do with the vehicle. You’ll want to take all necessary steps to protect the vehicle and prevent further damage to it.  

If another automobile was involved in the accident, get information from the other driver. You’ll want to get their name, address, insurance information, and driver’s license number.  

When you turn in the car, you’ll need to find out how much it is going to cost to fix it. You will need to get an official written estimate that details exactly what is being repaired and the costs associated with it. Make sure that you keep this, and all documents that include information about the incident. This includes the police report, rental agreement, and damage estimate. Pictures of the damaged vehicle will be helpful as well. 

That supporting documentation is very important and is needed to help you be reimbursed for any repair costs that you pay the car rental facility. Once you have all of your paperwork together, you can log in to your member account online to start a claim. If you didn’t create one previously, you can still create an account.  

Tips for a fun and safe road trip 

As nomads ourselves, we’ve learned a few things along the way as we’ve road tripped to some of the coolest places on the planet.

A few of our tips include: 

  • Pack plenty of snacks and water. As you’re driving through areas you aren’t familiar with, you can never be certain where there will be a place to stop for food.  
  • Check out your car before you set forth on your road trip.  Take a walk around and make sure the tires are in good condition and properly inflated. Also check and make sure the wipers and lights work properly and there’s no warning lights flashing. Take photos of any scratches or dents so you can prove it was there when you rented the car. 
  • Take a printed map. Yeah yeah, we know it seems old school, but if you lose your internet connection or your phone battery dies, it’s nice to have a paper map as a back-up.  
  • Print a copy of your travel insurance documents. You’ll want to make sure you have a printed copy of these so you don’t have to search for them if something happens. We also suggest having the 24/7 Emergency Assistance phone number easily accessible.  

*All information we provided here is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the plans described. Please carefully read your state specific plan documents for a full description of coverage. Travel insurance is included as part of your travel protection plan which contains both insurance benefits and non-insurance assistance services. Material included on this page does not represent, nor is it specific to, United States Fire Insurance Company or travel insurance benefits provided on United States Fire Insurance Company’s travel protection plans. 

Baggage Delay in a Delhi Winter.

I arrived in Delhi from Rome. Baggage claim help desk informed me that my bag had been delayed in transit. I was without my bag for almost a week before it was finally delivered to me. It was cold in Delhi (being winter, December) and my warm jacket was in my bag, requiring that I purchase a jacket and other items of warm clothing that I had not taken in my carry-on.
Claim paid: USD $51.74
S.N. U.S Nomad in India.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Protection

Protect your hard earned vacation from unexpected cancellation.

  • Standard Plan: $2,500
  • Explorer Plan: $10,000
  • Epic Plan: $15,000
  • Annual Plan: $5,000
Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalized?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Insurance

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

  • Standard Plan: $125,500
  • Explorer Plan: $150,000
  • Epic Plan: $250,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Evacuation

We'll provide assistance to get you to the hospital or home quickly.

  • Standard Plan: $400,000
  • Explorer Plan: $500,000
  • Epic Plan: $700,000
  • Annual Plan: $100,000
Emergency Evacuation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medevac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Covers the loss, theft or damage of your bags, tech and gear.

  • Standard Plan: $1,000
  • Explorer Plan: $2,000
  • Epic Plan: $3,000
  • Annual Plan: $2,000
Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

The amounts listed represent the maximum benefit amount.

Protect your health

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance Help Line
  • Emergency Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Evacuations
  • Bedside Companion Travel
  • Emergency Medications

Protect Your Trip

  • Trip Cancellation
  • Optional Cancel for Any Reason (Explorer or Epic)
  • Trip Delay & Trip Interruption
  • Missed Connection (Explorer or Epic)
  • Rental Car Damage (Explorer, Epic or Annual)

Protect Your Stuff

  • Baggage Delay
  • Passport and Visa Loss
  • Lost or Stolen Bags
  • Personal Tech, Equipment & Gear
  • Baggage Return After Evacuation

Non-Insurance Services

  • Medical & Non-Medical 24/7 Emergency Assistance Line
  • Translators Available
  • Runway Health
  • FootprintID
  • Blue Ribbon Bags
This is a general summary for US residents only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Benefits limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Check the plan documents for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical or dental assistance or advice, emergency evacuation or travel assistance, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Wherever you are, we’re here 24/7 to help you in any emergency.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact Generali Global Assistance:
Telephone: +1 954-334-8143 (Collect outside the US)
+1 877-289-0968 (Toll-free in the US and Canada

Contact the team


Here are our most frequently asked questions about cover for rental car protection. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Help Center or you can ask the customer service team.

  • Does this car rental damage insurance cover campervans?
    No, the rental car insurance that is included in the Explorer, Epic and Annual travel insurance plans do not cover campers or recreational vehicles. It also doesn’t cover trucks, pickups, full-size vans mounted on truck chassis, heavy duty trucks, jeep-type vehicles, trailers, motor bikes, motorcycles, off road vehicles, or exotic vehicles. 
  • Do I need a special license to drive in another country?

    Possibly - it depends on the country you are visiting. Not all countries accept a US driver’s license, but many accept an International Driving Permit (IDP). The US Department of State is a good resource to research the countries you’ll be visiting so that you can learn ahead of time what license you’ll need. They also provide information on how to get an IDP if you need one. Don’t wait until you get to your destination - do your research before you depart on your trip.    

  • When should I consider buying additional coverage from the rental car company?

    Take a look at the rental car insurance requirements for the company you’re renting from. You can usually find these online, but if you can’t, call the company and ask. Review the rental car insurance included in your World Nomads travel insurance plan and make sure the policy limits match the rental car company's requirements. If their requirements are higher than your policy limits, you may need to consider additional coverage. If you have questions about your rental car coverage, you can always contact us and we can help explain what’s included.