What happens if I don't have some of the documents you ask for?

For policies purchased after 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC, your World Nomads policy is provided through Zurich Insurance Group

O segurado residente no Brasil poderá contatar a equipe de atendimento da Zurich ou telefonar para +55 (11) 2101-2948 a partir do exterior (aceita ligação a cobrar) ou para 0800-014-3029 a partir do Brasil, 24 horas por dia e 7 dias por semana. Email: sinistro.viagem@br.zurich.com

For policies purchased before 10 August 2016, 3:00am UTC
your World Nomads policy is provided through Bupa Global

If you're completing your claim online, and you don't have all the documents we requested from you, don't panic! Sometimes, despite your best efforts, it’s just not possible to get them.

Here's what to do.

If you've lost (or don't have) a receipt:

  • Provide us with a Credit Card statement that shows the purchase of the item.
  • Provide a warranty for the item or any other documentation you might have which confirms your ownership of the particular item.
  • Ask the store you purchased the item from to provide you with a copy of the purchase receipt.

If the item was a gift:

You will need to ask the person who gave it to you for the receipt or a copy of any of the above.

If you don't have a report (eg. Medical Report, Property Irregularity Report, Repair Report):

If we’ve asked you to provide a Police Report, Medical Report or some other documentation to verify the facts of your claim and you don’t have them then you will need to discuss this with your case manager.

So what next?

Once you've obtained most of documents we requested, it's time to complete your claim submission.

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