Everyone I regale my story to tells me I should be thankful that they didn’t steal my wallet, mobile and camera as well, but I’m still mad I lost my iPod to an invisible thief. I was travelling on a bus from Hong xu Lu to Zhenning Lu and remember checking my backpack was closed, with my iPod inside. I nursed my bag on my lap for the trip. When I got off the bus, I walked home with my backpack on my back, and at no time did I notice or feel anything suspicious. It wasn’t until I reached my front door and opened my bag to get my keys that I realised my iPod had been nicked. It is creepy to think someone had their hand inside my bag while I was either holding or wearing it.
How World Nomads helped
Reimbursed for cost of iPod, taking into consideration the A$250.00 policy limit and $100 excess.
PAID AUD $150.00