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General Manager for the Americas
Originally from England, from six months old, I was carted all over the world with my Dad's job which took us to Puerto Rico, New Jersey, and London. As an adult, I have paid utility bills in Leeds, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, San Francisco, Ithaca, New York City, and Vermont, before finally settling in the People's Republic of Berkeley, California.
I studied Modern Chinese and Development Economics at Leeds University and speak Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese with enough basics of other languages to get around, order a meal, and solicit a laugh at my expense. I have dabbled in all sorts, from book and magazine publishing, and digital media, and ran a catering side hustle. Cornell University deemed me worthy to earn my MBA as a Park Fellow, a scholarship awarded on leadership, professional accomplishment, academic achievement and commitment to making a positive contribution to communities and the environment. I grow a lot of my own food, forage, and read Farm Equipment magazine. In a former life, I co-owned and ran a green, sustainable manufacturing business that turned curb side recycling into exquisite architectural material.
I joined World Nomads in 2009, and I thrive on partnering with travel brands to solve a commercial or marketing problem and putting their travelers' safety and well-being in our good hands, turning travel mishaps into minor setbacks.
For me, food and the outdoors are my biggest travel motivators. The most memorable trips involve schlepping a tent on my back or kayak and camping in the back country: Albania's Accursed Mountains, the Great Bear Rainforest, and the California Sierras.