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While in many ways Benin is more advanced than many of its neighbours, it is still a developing country and as such medical facilities are limited and not all common medicines are available.
Travelers should carry any needed supplies of prescription drugs and preventive medicines.
Water-borne diseases (including cholera), tuberculosis, meningitis and malaria are common in Benin. You should boil water for at least three minutes or use bottled water and avoid ice in drinks. Like many West African countries, proof of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter the country.
You should consider getting the following vaccinations prior to arriving:
Pollution in Contonou is notoriously high, if you suffer from asthma or respiratory problems you should seek medical advice before traveling to this area.
Finally, the ocean currents along the coast are extremely strong and treacherous.
Several people drown each year because of the rough surf and strong undertow. These beaches are not patrolled so you should exercise extreme caution if swimming.
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