Is Timor Leste Safe? Safety Tips to Know Before Travel

Frequent outbursts of violence and crippling poverty make East Timor a volatile place. Here's how to stay safe.

Timor Leste landscape Photo © Getty Images/urf

How bad is crime in East Timor?

Travelers should be aware robbery does occur, and in some cases thieves may be armed. Foreigners have also had bags snatched. These incidents have been most common in Dili and on and around the beaches that surround the capital.

It is important to avoid traveling alone or at night.

Leaving things unattended in vehicles is not smart. 'Smash and grab' style theft of property from vehicles is common. There have also been cases of intruders breaking into homes known to be occupied by foreigners.

Gang-related violence including robbery, arson and vandalism has been reported in major towns, particularly Dili, Maliana, Suai and Same.

Rocks have been thrown at vehicles, particularly during the early evening and at night.

Obviously it is wise to avoid armed groups of people, including martial arts groups, both in the districts and in Dili.

Harassment and violence against women, including expatriate women, has been reported, including near the Christo Rei (the statue of Jesus which overlooks the capital).

Security forces also still have concerns about criminal activity in the border regions.

Disturbances have occurred in the vicinity of Dili's Comoro airport, areas surrounding internally displaced persons camps, and at food storage warehouses.

Poverty in East Timor

The first thing you notice when you walk the streets of Timor L'Este are the groups of young men sitting around on the streets. The lack of work is not only behind the frequent outbreaks of political protest but also crime in the nation, especially in the capital, Dili.


Drugs are an increasing problem in the country. An autopsy revealed the rebel leader responsible for the 2008 attack on Timor L'Este's President Jose Ramos Horta was on the drug ‘ice', from the amphetamine family of stimulants, at the time.


Corruption is also a significant issue, with rumours local police and politicians may have varying levels of involvement with criminal activity. So there is significant lawlessness in the territory.

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