Is Peru Safe? 7 Essential Travel Tips for Visitors

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How big a problem is crime in Peru? How safe are Lima and Cusco? Our travel safety expert shares his top tips for visitors, from petty crime to muggings and credit card scams.


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1. Petty crime in Peru

The threat of violent crime in most of Peru is no greater than in many of the world's major cities. Traveling around Peru is relatively safe, and the Shining Path Maoist rebel group has been largely disbanded. The Peru of today is a far cry from the militaristic repression, rebellion, and corruption of the past.

Here's what you need to know about crime, scams and safety in Peru.

Despite continuing improvement, poverty is still a problem in Peru, and the country is known for petty crime. This doesn't mean you need to be forever clutching your valuables to your chest, but you should practice your street smarts.

Here are some tips to keep your valuables safe:

  • Dress casually when you are out and about in towns and cities.
  • Photograph or photocopy your passport, travel documents, bank cards, and driver's license before you head to Peru. Leave those copies at home or on a virtual drive.
  • Register your passport at the embassy in Lima. It won't take long and can save you days of precious holiday time if your documents are lost or stolen.
  • Don't carry any more cash than you need for the day, and keep it along with your passport and documents close to your body.
  • Keep your camera packed away when not in use. Consider using a reinforced bag strap and camera strap.
  • At restaurants, avoid hanging your bag over the back of a chair – keep it in sight and close. Similarly, don't leave your wallet or purse sitting on the table top which makes for an easy snatch-and-grab.

Distraction is a favored technique of petty criminals around the world. Someone distracts you by spraying sauce or paint on your clothing, falling in front of you, or dropping change at your feet, and then thieves use a razor to cut bags open, swoop in and grab any loose luggage or simply snatch and run.

Beware of groups working at tourist hotspots, crowded markets, bus depots and in hotel lobbies.

Some travelers have had their passports, wallets, and other possessions stolen while sleeping on buses. It may be slightly uncomfortable, but try to keep your wallet and passport on you while you're snoozing.

Travelers have been robbed by bogus taxi drivers. Never hail a taxi on the street, instead use licensed telephone or internet-based taxis, or ask your hotel to book one for you. Be careful when arriving at Jorge Chavez International Airport in Lima, and at bus terminals. Bogus taxi drivers and thieves posing as tour operators sometimes approach arriving passengers. At the airport, use one of the official taxi companies at the desks outside the arrival hall.

2. Credit card and money crime

Credit card fraud is widespread in Peru so always keep your card in sight when making purchases and if the shop assistant is taking too long to give you a receipt, it's possible they are skimming your card. Keep an eye on suspicious transactions in your bank account while traveling and after you arrive home.

ATM fraud is common throughout Peru so avoid withdrawing money at night or in dodgy-looking parts of town. 

Counterfeit notes are becoming more widely circulated. If you need to exchange money, only use reputable places such as banks or foreign exchanges within hotels. Avoid exchanging money on the streets as the risk of receiving counterfeit money increases as does being robbed for your dollars. You may be also not given the exact amount of money exchanged due to sleight of hand tricks by the money changer.

3. Express kidnapping

Express kidnappings have become more frequent, as the frightening practice spreads across South America. Travelers are held against their will and forced to tour the city's ATMs, extracting as much cash as the thugs can squeeze out of your account.

Having a separate traveling account you can top up as needed means you won't be left penniless if this happens to you. It's also a good way to make sure card skimmers can't bankrupt you behind your back.

In most cases, the victim is released quickly after the withdrawal limit is reached, although some have been held for several days until the account is well and truly emptied. Never fight back against your kidnappers. Things can be replaced, but you can't. 

4. Muggings in Peru

The Sacsayhuaman ruins that overlook Cusco are notorious for muggings. The sunset and sunrise views may be beautiful but they're also prime time for thieves. If you do visit, make sure you're in a group.

There have also been reports of "strangle muggings" in Cusco, Arequipa and Lima in which lone travelers are put in a choke hold from behind and relieved of their possessions while unconscious.

These, like regular muggings, tend to occur in dark, quiet areas when the victim is alone. For this reason, wandering by yourself isn't a great idea, especially at night. Even if you're traveling with a group it's a good idea to take a taxi after sundown.

Armed criminals have also been known to target visitors cruising in the Amazon region. Check with your cruise company or boat tour operator about what their security arrangements are. Many have armed police onboard their vessels 24/7 for the safety of passengers and staff.

Local police and coast guards have also increased their presence along the rivers throughout the region including checkpoints and high-speed boats in the event of an emergency.

In the event of an armed robbery, do not attempt to resist attackers or do anything that puts you at risk.

5. Women's safety in Peru

Women travelers can feel generally confident while in Peru, but should expect to draw a little attention, especially if traveling alone. Fortunately, this attention often manifests itself as protective treatment from locals.

However, sometimes you may get some unwanted advances or comments from smooth-talking locals known as bricheros. These are usually abandoned as soon as you express your discomfort but if you feel unsafe, talk to a security guard or duck into a shop or restaurant. 

Women should be particularly careful to avoid isolated areas and should not get into cabs alone. Hitchhiking is also a bad idea.

Groping does happen on the cramped minibusses (combis). Should it happen, let the driver or ticket seller know. There is also nothing wrong with causing a scene to embarrass the offender in front of other passengers.

Be aware of the possibility of drink spiking. Hallucinogenic plants, generally part of traditional shamanic rituals, have been used to render tourists senseless before a robbery or assault. Never leave your drink unattended and don't drink anything you didn't buy yourself, or at least see poured.

If traveling to more rural areas, dress more conservatively. Some female travelers also recommend wearing a ring to appear married to thwart any potential Peruvian casanovas.

6. Tourist police

If you are the victim of a theft or assault, the Policia de Turismo (Tourism Police) should be your first port of call. Established especially to protect you and the lucrative tourism industry, they speak at least some English and are trained in handling all sorts of crimes against tourists.

The nearest POLTUR office will be able to provide case reports if something is stolen and will contact your embassy in the event of any more serious crimes.

Due to a string of false reporting of theft around tourist spots, you may be questioned quite sternly about your testimony. They may even search your hotel room. Don't be offended by this, they're just doing their job. Again, being polite and cooperative is the best way to speed up the process and get you back to your holiday.

You won't have to look far to find a member of the Peruvian police force. Hopefully, your only contact with them will be while traveling through borders and control points.

Most of the time you'll pass through without a problem, but there is a chance they'll want to check your luggage. These searches are rare but very thorough and can be frustratingly slow.

Despite this, always go out of your way to be polite and cooperative in these situations. The police are there to help you but some of Peru's law enforcement has a tendency to regard foreigners as either drug runners or political subversives, particularly near the cocaine-plagued Colombian border.

The possession of any drugs is considered a very serious offense in Peru, carrying lengthy jail sentences.

7. Peruvian rebels and conflict

Despite constant reports and rumors about the danger of traveling overland in Peru, there is really very little to be worried about.

The country's two major rebel organizations, the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) and Tupac Amaro Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) have largely dissipated. The remnants of the Shining Path are still active in some of the main coca-growing regions of central Peru (in particular, the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene, and Mantaro Rivers) and attacks against the police and local authorities do happen on occasion. Additionally, many government travel advisories have issued a "Do not travel" notice regarding areas near the Colombian border due to narcotics trafficking and occasional insurgent activity from across the border.

Video: Learn about Inca culture in Peru

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