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If you do require medical treatment Hospital and medical facilities in Vanuatu are limited and very expensive. Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for their services. In the event of a serious illness or accident (including diving-related injuries), medical evacuation to a destination with appropriate facilities would be necessary. Also, there is only one hyperbaric chamber in Vanuatu, located in Port Vila. Many of the popular dive sites are located on other islands and it may take several hours to reach facilities in the event of an accident. It is recommended that you get the following vaccinations before travelling to Vanuatu: Hep A Hep B Typhoid (for longer term travellers) Up to date Tetanus-Diptheria, Measles Mumps & Rubella
Sunburn and dehydration are obvious health issues in the tropics always wear sunscreen a hat sunglasses try to stay out of sun during main heat day between 11am and 2pm also drink plenty of water hydrated anything with an umbrella fruit it doesn't really count
As in any tropical areas, small sores or cuts can easily become infected if not given proper care. Coral cuts in particular can be dangerous as they can quickly become infected. If you do suffer a coral cut a squeeze of lime or lemon can be a good natural antiseptic or contact your accommodation provider for some hydrogen peroxide or antiseptic. Any cuts or abrasions should be left open and not covered with sticking plasters.
As in any tropical area the risk of malaria and other mosquito-borne disease including Dengue Fever is quite high. As always prevention is the best cure, wear an insect repellant at all times and use an insect net over your bedding if you accommodation doesn't have air-conditioning or insect screens.
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