Perfectly safe. That's how many travelers from our community have described the Republic of North Macedonia, formerly known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Travelers should feel very safe while exploring this small landlocked nation on the Balkan Peninsula.
Macedonia does have its troubles, just like any destination. But, you can easily avoid issues by following some simple tips.
Safety tips for travelers in Macedonia
Avoid large crowds that could be political protests or demonstrations
Avoid the border regions with Kosovo due to civil unrest
Most criminal activity is of the petty, opportunistic kind. Pickpocketing and purse-snatching tend to be the worst, so common-sense in crowded and touristic areas should apply: keep your belongings safe and out of sight to would-be thieves
The hotspots for thieves are the Skopje city center, including the Main Square (Ploshtad), the Trgovski Center Mall, the riverfront, and the Old Town
The city's rascals have developed an unique tactic to distract victims and empty their pockets: they send a large group of children to swarm them and pester them for money. Overwhelmed by the tot mob, a wallet can be snatched unnoticed
If you get swarmed and can't shake them off, keep your hands firmly on your valuables and walk quickly to a nearby restaurant, cafe or shop
Be alert when walking at night. Try to stick to well-lit areas with people around. The Vardar river bank has been known to host shady characters after sunset. Better to not carry valuables if you aree strolling at night
There are some levels of organized crime, but violence is confined to rival gang members. Unless you are planning a life in the underworld, you'll be safe from the occasional grenade and firefight
A little more worrisome is the growing threat of credit card fraud. Use your card only for large purchases at trusted businesses, like hotels and car rental companies.
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