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to help improve
Our goal is to collect the ecological data needed by the
Peruvian government to proactively manage the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary
to protect spectacled bears and their habitat. While the presence of spectacled
bears has been documented and monitored at Machu Picchu and the surrounding
landscape since the 1980s, there is no current data available on the health,
ecology, or threats to these bears.
Through this project, we will:
1) Undertake field research to understand the health,
population trends, and habitat use of spectacled bears in and around the Machu
Picchu Historic Sanctuary, to identify the threats to bear survival that must
be mitigated with urgent conservation action;
Our travelers can fund this project through a microdonation when they buy a policy.Watch this video to see how those funds will be used to conserve spectacled bears and preserve Machu Picchu’s biodiversity.
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