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Children in Ethiopia, particularly those from rural areas, often do not have access to early learning services and parents lack the knowledge to support the healthy development of their children. Through this project, we are working with disadvantaged and marginalised children and their parents to ensure children are engaged in age-appropriate learning and are prepared for school.

The primary focus of the project is on improving wellbeing and learning opportunities for the most marginalised children in two communities in Ethiopia: Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar. To achieve this we have been supporting parents and caregivers to take action to improve the development (including care, learning and protection) of children, with a focus on children aged under four. 

Volunteer mothers and fathers have being assigned to lead parenting groups and receiving training on health care, nutrition, child development, child protection, toy making and gender equality for sharing with the groups.

To ensure successful transition to primary school for children aged six to eight, effective school and community supports are being provided. As a result, children from the Andassa community are now attending early learning classes in three newly constructed Plan-supported centres, each equipped with indoor and outdoor play resources to encourage the children’s development.

Project Achievements:

In 2013 we have:

  • Involved 1,065 parents in community discussions on early childhood care and development
  • Provided health checks for 3112 parents and 508 pre-schoolers
  • Constructed 3 early learning centres
  • Trained 12 early learning facilitators and 54 preschool and early grade teachers on child development, active learning and inclusive teaching
  • Assisted 1,225 girls and boys to become school ready
Children enjoying the Plan-supported Andassa early learning centre. - See more at:
Children enjoying the Plan-supported Andassa early learning centre. - See more at:

Photo: A new outdoor play space in the Plan-supported early learning centre in Andassa.

What's next for this project?

The project will continue through to conclusion in late 2015. Next year we will enable a further 1,500 children to benefit from early childhood development and pre-primary preparation for schooling.

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