The World Nomads USA Homesick Hotline

Missing Home? World Nomads’ Homesick Hotline Can Help

Photo © iStock/shevtsovy

We’ve collected some iconic sounds of the USA as chosen by Hillary Rodham Clinton*, a noted road warrior with plenty of free time on her hands. Have a listen to remind yourself of all those quintessentially American things waiting for you back home.

We know you World Nomads are an adventurous bunch - in fact, almost 80 percent of you who have coverage with us are traveling solo. But even the most hardcore traveler can get lonely on the road and long for a bit of home.

So we asked a very seasoned traveler, Hillary Rodham Clinton - who as Secretary of State logged more than 950,000 miles to 112 countries - for her most inspirational American sounds. It’s the auditory equivalent of a postcard from home.

Just click on the play buttons below to be instantly reminded of the American sounds that you love, or maybe don’t love so much.

(*OK, we tried to get her but her email server was down. It’s actually voiceover artist Rosemary Watson.)

Sounds of the USA


Listen to Hillary Clinton's Homesick Hotline introduction.


College Football Game

“Let’s just say Wellesley versus Yale.”


Fifth Avenue Traffic

“The sound of gridlock, just like Congress.”


Sizzling Burger

“A hormone-free, grass-fed beef burger on the grill.”


Baseball Game

“Well, at least the Cubs won.”


Patriotic Bird

“The sound of an eagle flying into Canada. Lucky duck.”


Country Night

“The sound of a summer night in the country.”


Kabletown Operator

“A hold message from a cable company.”


Rockets’ Red Glare

“The sound of Fourth of July fireworks.”


Suburban Weekend Morning

“The sound of your neighbor waking you up on a Saturday morning with his lawnmower.”


Bonus Tracks

National Anthem a la Hendrix

"He set his guitars on fire, not the flag."


Moon-Landing Quote

"Wish I'd made a giant leap for womankind."


Obama Mic Drop

"Never thought I'd say this: Do you have to go?"


Power Suit

"The sound of a pantsuit walking into the sunset."
