10 Handy Expert Tips for Keeping Safe on Your Travels

Whether it's your first time overseas or your 20th sabbatical, a little bit of common sense can go a long way. Stay safe on the road with these 10 expert travel tips!

1. Always Try to Keep Your Family and Friends Updated

Not only can you make them jealous by telling them about the amazing things you are seeing and doing, but it's also a way of making sure you are staying safe. There are plenty of ways to keep in touch through e-mail, letters and phone calls and all are cheap and easy to access these days. When you get to a new area check out local hostels and internet cafes for the cheapest deal and you will find that there are many places now offering free use of the internet so there are no excuses.

2. Keep Copies

Before you travel it is a wise move to copy important documents. I.e. Passport, bank details, Visas and anything else important to you. Not only should you take a copy for yourself but leave one at home with a friend or family member just in case you lose something, or things get stolen. Another good idea is to e-mail a copy to yourself so you have access to it all in more than one place.

3. Valid Documents

Make sure you have a valid passport for the duration of your trip and that you have the relevant Visas for the countries you are visiting too.

4. Always Keep an Eye on Your Valuables

If you leave your accommodation, lock up anything that is important and valuable to you, or alternatively take it with you and keep checking that you have it with you at all times. It is far better to be cautious than leave things lying around for anyone to take.

5. Emergency Fund

Keep a small amount of emergency cash with you. You never know when you may find yourself in money trouble and it happens to everyone at some point in their travels. However, it is always wise to be prepared for a situation like this.

6. Plan Before You Go

Check out where you plan on going before you get there. It's always a good idea to book your first nights accommodation in a new place. That way you don't end up arriving and having to wander the streets in the dark with your entire luggage.

7. Be Careful and Cautious

Be cautious of accepting food and drink off strangers. If someone offers to buy you a drink from the bar then go with them to the bar and watch the bartender make your drink. That way not only can you decide on the drink that you want, but you are also the first person to receive it and therefore, know what’s in it. Never leave drinks or food unattended and if you do then don't return to it.

8. Don't Leave Things

Never leave your bags unattended, or personal valuables such as laptops, cameras or phones on show.

9. If in Doubt, Ask Someone

There are plenty of information centres in Australia and New Zealand so if you’re stuck then go in and ask. In addition to that, many places such as cafes and shops can help you out too. So instead of wondering around lost in a new area simply go in and ask,that way not only do you save time but its also a lot easier for you.

10. Listen to Fellow Travellers

You will hear many stories along the way some good, yet some bad and although you may want first hand experience, it is also wise to listen to other people in the same situation as you. Learn from their mistakes so you don't go repeating them and can have a better experience instead.

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